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Thursday, July 22, 2010

The sex files

OK. Common misconception about sex;
"when a girl is upset/emotional having sex with her is 'taking advantage' and will screw her up emotionally/mentally"
NOT TRUE. At least, not always. Is it possible to take advantage of a females emotional state and get her to have sex with you when she otherwise may have said no? Yes, and DO NOT use this blog as your excuse to do so. Does this mean that any time your female is having an emotional day you should turn down sex? NO, NO, NO!
You know what REALLY screws a female up and messes with her emotions? Having a male reject her sexually. That leaves scars that stay with us for life. If your female is making sexual suggestions/advances it means that the emotional trauma is over and she wants sex. Turning her down at this point is actually doing more harm. This is another instance in which you would want to hang up the shiny silver armor and stable that White Horse.
Yes, years later when we aren't all emotionally butt-hurt over the rejection and are thinking objectively we will say "Awww he was just being noble and looking out for my feelings" however that sweetness does not outweigh the fact that it came at the price of Sexual Rejection.
When it comes to sexual rejection girls are all emotion. We can not think rationally or logically. We can pretend we do, we can even occasionally convince the male gender we do. But while on the outside we are the calm rational "oh no I totally understand you're not rejecting me, you were just trying to protect my feelings" on the inside we are thinking "he thinks I'm ugly - I've gotten fat, I knew he was lying when he said he didn't notice that extra 5 pounds - He's found someone else he thinks is prettier/better in bed than me- I knew i sucked in bed, why am I so bad at sex?"- and many, many more.
Sexual Rejection is one of the biggest mental/emotional mind fucks out there for the female gender. While you should not be making sexual advances or comments while shes crying on your shoulder or just finished crying on your shoulder. If she makes the move it is perfectly alright for you to take her up on the offer. Trust me. The harm done by saying no to her sexual advances, is more harm than can possibly come from any regret she may feel the next morning.

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