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Monday, June 21, 2010

The "white knight" complex

Ok. Time to set the record straight.

Males- this is not the 18th century any more. You do not wear armor, you do not slay dragons and a female is perfectly capable of punching a jerk in the nose to defend her own honor if a guy implies she's a slut or any other derogatory name/phrase.

Yes, some girls get off on the "damsel in distress" routine. They are not the majority and honestly, they're beyond obnoxious so do yourself a favor; don't put up with the crap and ditch the B**** before the drama gets out of control.

Level-headed females are not looking for a white knight. We don't need or want you to come rushing in at the last minute brandishing your sword and slaying our dragons (problems). We are not helpless and would like the male gender to recognize this. We want a partnership. 50/50. Once again there are girls out there who are users, don't want a partnership whatever - those girls are a waste of your time. Dump them. This blog does not cater to the needy/whiny/clingy/using/selfish/piece-of-crap-annoying-girlfriends... This blog is in regards to normal girls.

Normal girls want to be recognized as capable, independent and a 50% equal part of the relationship. While we do not mind having your help with problems, there is a big difference between offering ideas/advice and completely taking over or telling us what to do. A large portion of the male gender seems to have trouble distinguishing between the two.

So things to remember:

Sometimes when a girl is venting, its just that- venting. We're not asking for a solution it just helps us to get our anger and frustration off our chest sometimes. So before leaping in to save the day wait for a break in the rant and ask "do you want my help solving this or are you just venting?" and then you know whether or not its "white knight" time or whether you can just tune her out for the next half-hour. ;)

Even when we have a legitimate problem please do not push us aside and take over the problem. Asking you for help is NOT asking for you to take over. Pushing us aside and ignoring our input on OUR problem is an insult and sends the message you believe we are too stupid or incapable to handle the situation ourselves.

The key words to remember are: compromise and partnership.

Lots of Love,

mellowpuppy said... and a reminder - when a girl is venting we dont need snippy comments back or you to tell us how to fix problems (unless we specifically ask you) And regardless if you seem like you arent paying attention at all, and then a girl stops coming to you with her problems - While for you its a good deal - most likely your female is pissed the phuck off at you!


  1. and a reminder - when a girl is venting we dont need snippy comments back or you to tell us how to fix problems (unless we specifically ask you) And regardless if you seem like you arent paying attention at all, and then a girl stops coming to you with her problems - While for you its a good deal - most likely your female is pissed the phuck off at you!

  2. Mellow puppy makes a solid Point. =)
