Music Player

Sunday, July 25, 2010


No, not the kind you do on your keyboard.
I'm talking about the way we "type" people. You know how friends/family say "she/he doesn't seem like your type?" That's what I'm talking about here.

Its a great thing to go out of your comfort zone type-wise, first off because any new experience, even if it ends badly, is a good thing. You haven't lived until you've tried it all. =)Secondly because often, that's where you find the best fit relationship-wise.

However, constantly alerting your girlfriend to the ways in which she doesn't fit you're "type" profile is something that should be avoided at all costs.

You think "Wow I'm normally a major boob guy but hers are tiny and I don't mind, it must be love" she hears; "This is one more reason I will be leaving you for some other girl at some point in the future".

Females - even those that seem completely confident (actually, especially with those that seem the most confident) are notoriously insecure. A female motto we almost all employ internally is; "Fake it til you make it". Many of us are VERY GOOD at presenting a confident persona when in reality we are anything but. Pointing out ways in which we do not fit into your usual type or your "perfect female for me" mold chips away at any confidence we have in the relationship and leaves us insecure and waiting for the other shoe to drop.

In extremely insecure females this can really bring out the crazy leading to them checking your phone/emails/texts for other females numbers, super-spy stalking you when you cancel a date, clingy-ness, whining and a plethora of other unattractive and annoying habits. In less insecure females it still chips away at their self esteem and the foundation of your relationship, sometimes leading to them breaking up with you only because they are positive you are going to be breaking up with them sooner or later anyway. So either way, not good for your relationship.

This doesn't mean you have to hide the fact shes not your normal type from her, it just means not to point it out a lot and to avoid some of the more easily misunderstood comments.

Below is a small list of some of the examples of "no no" comments men have made to their girlfriends:

*Ugh, super models body types are disgusting. They look like a bunch of skeletons, I don't understand how anyone can find that attractive. (5 minutes later) you're thin enough to be a super-model.

* I'm normally a major boob guy but I'm still with you. That's just one more way it's proof I love you.

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