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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Relationship Etiquette

You know, everyone talks about how everything would be so much easier if things in every day life came with manuals such as; relationships, raising kids, etc. So I'm here to make everything better for you. This blog is your relationship manual guide in very simple, easy to follow steps on how not to screw up your relationship. 1.) Don't lie. 2.) Keep your promises. If you say you're going to do something then do it, do not fall back on excuses. 3.) Communicate. This does not mean talk the other person to death, just be open and honest and listen to what your partner has to say as well. If you have a problem talk it out, if you suspect a problem then ask your partner about it and get it solved. No jumping to conclusions or verbally shutting down. 4.) Put the other person's feelings first. A relationship doesn't work when one or more person in it is being a selfish douchewad. Avoid douchewadness by always asking yourself how your partner would be affected by your decisions/actions and also how they feel and what they would want before making any decisions that affect you both. 5.) Be faithful. If you cant keep it in your pants or keep your legs closed then I have a tip for you; stick to one night stands and don't enter relationships. If you end up falling for someone else while already in a relationship then pull up the big boy boxers or the big girl panties and break up with your current partner before screwing your new love interest- it's called respect, you owe them that much. 6.) If you aren't willing to commit then let them go. Living with someone for 5 years but being afraid to sign a paper making it legal is LAME. Stop with the excuses. Either you intend to be with this person for the majority (hopefully all) of the rest of your life or you don't. And if you haven't figured out which it is after 5 years then you're too retarded to live, quite frankly. Stop wasting both your time. Get out and move on or at least allow your partner to do so. 7.) If your feelings change then BE HONEST. Don't start emotionally pulling back and spending less and less time with them leaving them to wonder where the hell they screwed up or what they need to do to change or fix things. It's a waste of time to let a relationship that is already dead for you linger on for months or years just because you're too damn cowardly to speak up. Man (or woman) up and make a clean break. 8.) Don't be a quitter. Relationships take work, they don't maintain themselves. No relationship is perfect. You need to be willing to whether the storms and put your effort in when needed. This may mean talking, going to counseling, living on a budget, etc. But all those things are worth it if you truly love the person you're with. 9.) Don't let it get stale. I don't care how long you've been dating or married, how many kids you have or how little time in the week you have free, date nights are imperative. Sexual ingenuity and spontaneity is also just as important. So is having fun, goofing off and remembering to be friends. 10.) If you don't have trust your relationship is dead in the water. If you break trust but are lucky enough to get a second chance then do 2 things: 1) work your ass off showing that you are never going to be untrustworthy again and 2) realize that trust is not an instant thing- earning it back will take some time. While realizing that respect your partners feelings even if they seem paranoid or irrational, its how they feel and they have a right to feel that way. Help them work through their feelings, because until you do they will not learn to trust you again.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

People Are A Complicated Mess Of Ridiculousness...

I will never understand people as a general whole, I just won't, people every day are doing things that I just cant wrap my head around. Some of these things are more tragic than others like murders, abuse, etc but there are plenty of little things that are just as confounding. Take, for example, the following example: We have a female with children fighting a horrific custody battle with her exhusband, her current significant other is constantly berating the selfish actions of the exhusband. Recently the couple was talking and the female made a joke about how breaking up with her would solve whatever it was the boyfriend was complaining about. The boyfriend responded that breaking up wouldn't solve anything because then he'd have to fight a custody battle with her for their daughter and would hate her if she won etc etc etc.... Please explain to me why people feel its ok to vilify one person for actions that they know darn well they would do themselves in the same situation. This guy has nothing good to say about the ex husband talks about how he's a selfish POS for what hes pulling etc but without even blinking, totally serious as a response to a joke with no hesitation he proclaims his intention to participate in the exact same behavior he abhors in the other person if she and he ever break up. This makes NO SENSE to me. That's like crap talking a smoker and refusing to date them then going outside and lighting one up yourself. WTF?

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Don't Cross The Invisible Line

We all have one and it's different for each individual but if you've been with someone for awhile you generally know them well enough to at least have an idea of where their invisible line rests. For some people it's as simple as not being a lover of their favorite animal for others its personal space. I fall into the latter category, Im willing to put up with a lot when I love someone but checking my mail, reading my texts, going through my phone or TELLING YOUR OR MY FAMILY MY PERSONAL SHIT that is, quite frankly, none of their damn business does nothing but PISS ME OFF. Am I over-reacting here? I don't think so. My family knows none of the skeletons in my S.O's closet, why? because it is not their skeletons nor any of their business- so why, pray tell, does his family know MY skeletons? Can someone please fucking enlighten me on this? I'm seriously at the point where Im about ready to say fuck my rule about respecting others privacy and having others mind their own business and instead start sharing personal and private secrets that could negatively effect the opinions anyone who hears these secrets used to hold regarding the person whose secrets I would be sharing- fuck turn the other cheek I'm about ready to grab my sword and play "eye for an eye". The limit has been reached. Here's to everyone who's reading this' limits and the hopes that your limits are not surpassed by the people you choose to love.