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Sunday, June 5, 2011

People CAN Learn from their mistakes

So do yourself and the girl(s) you're dating a favor and remember that you're not perfect please. Then after you remember that do me another favor and think back to a time when you weren't perfect, a time you made a HUGE ass mistake and then remember what you learned from it. Every time someone you know tries to give someone else advice about a situation in which they themselves royally screwed up instead of being an ass to them about it, do me that favor I asked for above and then see if you still feel so pretentious and high and mighty afterwards.

NO ONE is perfect, this includes you buddy. Understanding and not being a judgmental pretentious ass is a very big part of all relationships be they family, friend or romantic. And that statement goes for all ages, nationalities and genders.

Just be a responsible and reasonable person, that's all. Unless you are 100% perfect and blameless and have never screwed up in your life you really have no business telling others how they fucked up or what they can and cant give advice on. Go through your past, remember those mistakes, revisit what you learned from them and then put on your big boy boxers or your big girl panties and do the next harder thing. Revisit the mistakes that you still refuse to accept any responsibility for, you know- the ones that you placed the blame for on someone else or which you blame on circumstances and which you most likely have at least a little bit of responsibility for. Objectively look over those and see if there may be some responsibility there that belongs to you and if there is then accept that responsibility and learn from whatever actions led you there. You can only become a better person for doing this.

But if you're going to continue to be one of those self-righteous pretentious assholes who holds on to and points out every fuck up someone else has ever done especially if that fuck up came because the person didn't listen to your advice but you're going to continue to refuse to accept responsibility for any your own fuck ups and cast the blame on circumstances that in actuality don't really matter or on people who really don't hold as much responsibility as you'd like to place on them then do everyone a favor and sit the F*ck down and shut the F*ck up. Thanks.

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