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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

"I'm not being critical but..."

This goes for everyone of every gender, the words in this title are CRAP! Every single person in the world (especially if they happen to be female) knows that ANY SENTENCE precluded by any form of "I don't mean to be critical" is GOING TO BE critical without a doubt. You would not feel the need to try and put a "don't take this critically" disclaimer on a statement if the statement were truly a noncritical one. That's just common sense right there. Any time you feel the need to put a disclaimer on a sentence it is in hopes that the disclaimer will keep the person from being upset by the load of critical/rude/offensive crap that's about to spew from your mouth.
So do yourself and the people you are talking to a favor, the next time you hear a disclaimer coming out of your mouth IE; "No offense but...", "I'm not being critical but...", "I don't mean to be rude..." etc... Just SHUT YOUR MOUTH. There is no need to point out how the person offended you, didn't agree with the more correct opinion (which would be yours of course), screwed up yet again or should maybe cut down on the doughnuts cuz she's getting a little round, etc...
And if you really do feel that this time you just HAVE to say it - it's just too important not to be pointed out this one time then try doing this; take a minute to listen in your head to what you are about to say and then, instead of being critical say it in an entirely new way - one that actually does come off as not being critical, rude or offensive. For example, instead of saying: "I don't mean to be critical but do these socks look like they go together?" Try being a little more understanding, putting yourself in the other person's shoes and figuring out why the mistake may have happened. Then say something like this: *playful tone* "The baby must have had you really distracted the last time you folded socks huh?" *holding up mismatched socks and smiling*
The tone and body language in the example above, combined with the fact that you took the time to figure out what may have caused the mishap make the person whose actions are being singled out feel less like they are being criticized or attacked for an honest mistake. Which makes them more likely to respond with an apology and try to remember to pay more attention in the future as opposed to them responding with defensive comments and only remembering that you were a critical ass. In this case you were able to still point out that the person screwed up which fulfills your inner need to make sure they don't do so again in the future but in a way that also didn't make them feel like you go around looking for ways they screw up just so you can rub the mishaps in their face. It's a win-win for everyone. ;)